August 11, 2016

We Are Free of We Think We Are Free

We have free will by virtue of the quantum indeterminacy (via "Heisenberg uncertainty principle") that reigns at the molecular scale of the microtubules in our neurons. The microtubules are essentially quantum computers, that are semi-synchronized to process in parallel with one another through an electromagnetic (quantum entanglement) field. That field, which is a web of countless quantum entanglements, is "consciousness" itself. The significance to the free will debate is that quantum nonlocality, tied to this understanding of non-binary quantum processing within individual neurons, affirms that the "consciousness" (the "observer") self-selects a particular version of an unfolding universe out of a sub-infinite number of many possibilities (as limited by external conditions). Ultimately, "particles" are nothing more than the mutually-dependent ("entangled") centers of standing waves in the Higgs Field. (See also: "Strong Anthropic Principle" / "Integrated Information Theory" / /