If you wish to help a person whom is suffering, your offering to them must come from a rooted position of balance — from the very fulcrum of your being. Suffering is an expression of imbalance, in one form or another. You offer them help in ways that stabilize and assist them in recovering their balance. If your mind is not balanced, grounded, and stable, when you interact with the imbalanced person, your effort to balance them will cause you to become more imbalanced yourself. When you become sufficiently imbalanced you are no longer able to help the other person at all (you may even cause them harm) and now you must work to recover your own balance.
Your mind must be balanced to truly help, but so too must the offering itself arise from the centered fulcrum of your being — the bottomless, boundless center within ourselves from which genuine wisdom and compassion naturally arise. If your offering arises from the ego — having expectations attached to the outcome of or response to your offering — your offering becomes a mental lever that can be pushed or pulled by circumstances, causing you to lose your equanimity and balance. From a place of selfless loving Presence, of the Universe’s true Fulcrum, you are offering from the Place of true strength and grace.