March 20, 2016

Time, Consciousness, Enlightenment, & Ego

Namaskar Brethren…

My inner Stillness / Source of Being has been especially resonant in my temporal consciousness today.

I’m becoming much better at remaining in the state of “No-Mind” / mere-“Being.” This inner Source of Being/Awareness is timeless, self-restrained, infinite equilibrium.

“Time” only manifests for each Individuated Consciousness. Each experiences a different “refresh/sample-rate/frames-per-second” and the ‘dimension’ of time is a unified, bi-directional/bi-poled spectrum (past to future, future to past are both equal in the reality of how change projects “through time”). Spatial and temporal “movement” or change cancels Itself out at the infinite scale of All Existence leaving perfect, self-restrained equilibrium of all impulses.

It is humorous, in a compassionate way, that many think (as I once did) that a state of Total Enlightenment is something you “achieve” once and that’s it. Rather you must strive to ​retain​ it for longer and longer periods until you finally abide within it; kind of like how a ball must bounce to a stand still (each impact on the ground being moments of enlightenment coming more frequently and lasting longer).

After a person’s first experience of enlightenment, their ego reestablishes almost immediately, which then applies the fading enlightened perspective to their personhood and human world. This is appropriate; you are meant to utilize this received wisdom, but not attach yourself to how the wisdom manifested in that particular place in your personal time-space. It is people’s egos attaching to their perception of wisdom; which restores to prominence, and puffs up, the ego, thinking it should take credit for the perceived achievement of enlightened wisdom.

Most self-ascribed “enlightened” people are really more deeply and sophisticatedly veiled and entrenched self-deceived egos. Again, it is appropriate for you to use the wisdom that is revealed by your “contact”/reUnion with Universal Consciousness to take harmonious moral action in the world. But our choices and behaviors are most just and harmonious with the “Universe” (our True Nature of Universal Being) when the driver/impulse behind our actions flow directly from Universal Consciousness that is found at the core Source of Awareness (“Life-Force”) found within ourselves.

"One Love,"

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